Minggu, 13 April 2014

Cara Mudah Memahami Makna Al Quran

Cara Mudah Memahami Makna Al-Quran

Awalnya saya agak susah membaca Quran jika sekaligus disertai dengan memahami maknanya. Ternyata ada kiat yang menarik bagaimana membaca al-Quran sekaligus memahami maknanya/maksudnya.

Katanya, "Kalo mau baca al-Quran dengan makna, sebaiknya mas agus membacanya runut mengikuti dari ayat pertama turunnya wahyu, kemudian wahyu berikutnya dengan asbabun nuzulnya (sebab-sebab turunnya ayat)."

Ternyata kiat membaca seperti itu enak juga ya..Mau coba?

Untuk teman-teman yang pengen membaca buku tentang asbabun nuzul/ Sirah Nabawiyah silahkan download di

atau disini:

tapi terbatas untuk 1 bulan dan 100 kali download. kalo teman2 yang punya akses internet dan punya hosting server silakan mengupload kembali karena file ini berguna dan hanya sekitar 800 Kb saja (kurang dari 5 menit download dan kurang dari 10 menit upload)


tag : e-book, ebook islam, buku digital, e-buku, ebuku

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Kamis, 10 April 2014

Tactics for TOEIC Listening and Reading Test  - Grant Trew - ISBN-10: 9780194529594.

Tactics for TOEIC Listening and Reading Test Student Book is authorized by Educational Testing Service (ETS), and contains official TOEIC test items. This book will help students develop the necessary skills to do well on the test. It focuses on building the range and understanding of language to use and on developing awareness of key testing strategies needed to get a high score.
Developed for the new TOEIC Listening and Reading Test. Content is authorized by ETS and contains official TOEIC test items.

About the Author

Grant Trew has been working in the field of EFL for nearly 20 years as a teacher, trainer and materials developer in the UK, the Middle East and Japan. He has a particular interest in the field of language assessment and has designed both oral and written test instruments for a number of institutions. He is a trained item writer for the TOEIC test and has been an oral examiner for Cambridge ESOL exams.

Review from Amazon

This book, approved by ETS (the company that conducts TOEIC), is a very well-organized and thorough TOEIC Strategies and Method book. But there are several major issues that make this book only “Good”, not “Great”.


“Tactics” is divided into 28 Units. Each Unit focuses on a specific TOEIC strategy. For example, Unit 12 helps you build your “Gerund vs. Infinitive” skills, and Unit 18 talks about how Part 4 (Short Talks) uses numbers to confuse you and pick wrong answers. Each Unit also has a short quiz to practice those strategies.
Each Unit also has a “Language Building” section, where you can build your Business English–it uses language quizzes like crosswords and “fill-in-the-blank” questions. In the back of the book, is a “Word list and Quizzes” section, which gives definitions of all the words found in the Language Building sections.
NOTE: You can download transcripts of the quizzes/activities from Oxford University Press for free, but…this book DOES NOT INCLUDE TAPES OR CDs! You have to buy these separately!


The Strategies and Methods are very good to know–they are very similar to the techniques I teach in my class. Because each Unit has a practice quiz that focuses on that Unit’s strategy, you can see how these techniques can help you. If you understand the strategies in this book, you will avoid almost all the tricks used on the TOEIC.
Each Unit has a great variety of skill-building activities to improve your understanding of English grammar, Business English, and TOEIC test questions. Because there are different kinds of activities, you have a better chance to learning and remembering the strategy/grammar/vocabulary.
This book will help anyone, at any English language skill level, understand how to “Think like a Test-maker”. This is one of the most important skills to build before taking the test–it will help you spot wrong answers more quickly. For this reason alone, I recommend getting this book–no other book at Amazon gives you these Strategies.


“Tactics” is very poorly organized. For example, instead of putting all Photograph strategies together, they are divided into Units 1, 8, 15 and 22–this is true for all the different parts of the TOEIC.
Hidden on page 169 is a “Glossary of Terms”–words often used when talking about English grammar or test preparation–why is this at the end of the book, and not the beginning, where students more easily find it?
This book does not come with CDs! You have to go to Oxford University Press and order them directly from them–which is likely very expensive (much more expensive than Amazon).
This book does not include any complete tests. In order to practice these strategies more, you will want to buy “Target TOEIC”


This book was designed for use in a classroom, with a teacher who has bought the CDs. Buy this book ONLY to practice strategies and methods. However, you will need another book (such as “Target TOEIC”) to practice timed tests.

Link download

  1. Mediafire :  Book | CD1 | CD2 | Practice test 1 | Practice test 1 CD  | Practice test 2 | Practice test 2 cd  | Answer key
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Rabu, 09 April 2014

onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}"
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karena patah hati? Sengsara karena kasih tak sampai? Rapuh karena memendam

Jangan salahkan cinta. Sebab cinta pada hakikatnya adalah damai
dan bahagia. Jika kita kemudian terpuruk, mungkin salah kita yang kurang
mengenal cinta. Lihatlah, pujangga cinta Kahlil Gibran yang justru melahirkan
syair-syair indahnya begitu mengalami kisah kasih tak sampai. Agar tak dibutakan
dan dimabuk cinta, kita perlu pemahaman dasar dari makna cinta itu

Nah, buku La Tahzan for Teen’s Love ini akan mengubah kesedihan
cintamu menjadi energi cinta yang bisa membangun dirimu. Bahkan, kamu juga bisa
menciptakan kepribadian yang memukau mata. Kelak bakal tertanam di hati kamu
bahwa cinta itu tak seperti yang dipahami kebanyakan orang. Ingat, jangan pernah
bersedih karena urusan cinta yang belum kamu kenali!
href=" http://www.ziddu.com/download/6843220/LaTahzan4TeensLove_Tamat.rar.html">
La Tahzan For Teen’s Love disini…

File menggunakan Djiview download href="http://www.ziddu.com/download/6422439/WinDjView-0.5.exe.html">Program
WinDjview disini….
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Selasa, 08 April 2014

Jika anda seorang ahli Desainer sudah barang wajib tentunya menguasai aplikasi AutoCad, banyak orang yang ingin belajar Aplikasi AutoCad ini tapi mereka bingung harus memulainya dari mana karena saya akui Aplikasi AutoCad ini merupakan aplikasi yang sangat rumit karena menuntut kedetailan dan ke akuratan dalam membuat sebuah objek.
Tapi anda tidak usah bingung cari-cari Tutorial yang harganya sampai ratusan ribu kesana kemari karena Ebook ini akan mengajarkan anda bagaimana belajar AutoCad dengan sistem 3D yang mudah dan menyenangkan karena dalam Ebook ini di sertai dengan gambar jadi apa yang di ajarkan akan cepat di resap oleh anda dan andapun dapat langsung di praktekan.
Selain Ebook juga akan ada Video pembuatan Objek 3D yang sangat keren yang akan anda dapatkan sehingga anda bisa langsung mempraktekan. Berikut di antara isi dari Ebook tersebut
  • Pengenalan dan Konsep dasar Auto Cad di terangkan secara detail
  • Teknik Rendering yang sangat mudah
  • Belajar membuat Vas Bunga dan Guci 3D
  • Belajar membuat Lampu Hiasan Kamar
  • Belajar membuat Cermin 3D
  • Video Membuat gambar kerja dan Membuat Baut bisa langsung anda praktekan
Rincian di atas hanya sebagian dari isi Ebook berkualitas ini, akan ada banyak lagi materi yang bisa anda kuasai tentunya dengan penjelasan yang mudah di mengerti, saya jamin anda akan cepat mahir AutoCad jika mengikuti petunjuk dari Ebook ini.

Miliki Hanya
Rp. 80.000,-
Rp. 20.000,- Saja
Isi: 60 halaman

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Senin, 07 April 2014

Head First Python

Head First Python pdf 

December 7, 2010 | ISBN-10: 1449382673 | ISBN-13: 978-1449382674 | Edition: 1

 Ever wished you could learn Python from a book? Head First Python is a complete learning experience for Python that helps you learn the language through a unique method that goes beyond syntax and how-to manuals, helping you understand how to be a great Python programmer. Youll quickly learn the languages fundamentals, then move onto persistence, exception handling, web development, SQLite, data wrangling, and Google App Engine. Youll also learn how to write mobile apps for Android, all thanks to the power that Python gives you.

We think your time is too valuable to waste struggling with new concepts. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, Head First Python uses a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.

About the Author

Paul Barry is formally educated and trained in Computer Science and holds a Masters Degree in Computing Science. He has been programming professionally, on and off, for close to 25 years. Paul already has two textbooks to his name, and is also a Contributing Editor to Linux Journal magazine. His day job is with the Institute of Technology, Carlow in Ireland where he has spent over a decade preparing Irelands next generation of computing folk to be productive in the workforce. His role as a third level educator affords him the opportunity to explore, learn and teach the very latest programming technologies and practices, which is something that he enjoys even though he knows this makes him a bonafide "geek". Paul lives just outside the town of Carlow in Ireland with his wife, two sons, daughter, dog and cat. Theres a bunch of computers and a growing collection of music instruments in the house, too (and like a lot of the Head First family, Paul is a struggling guitarist trapped inside a geeks body). He has so far resisted any suggestion that the family acquire a hamster ... or a set of drums.

 Review of Head First Python

Head First Python is an excellent intro to the language. The books teaching method keeps the pages turning, and by the end you will have built apps on three platforms (PC, Android, Web). You will also have good familiarity with Pythons bundled editor and command interface.

I was pleased with the inclusion of Android interface coverage and Google App Engine (GAE). I had not yet deployed a project on GAE and that experience added value to the book. The example projects were good enough for instructional purposes, though after a couple of chapters on the same project I found myself losing interest... luckily the author changes the sample project a few times. The exercises had a varied style to them, which helped maintain interest. Some of the exercises are straight coding to solve a problem, but others present some code and have you piece code blocks together from a pool of provided code lines.

Many language tutorial books are hard to read from cover to cover and maintain interest and attention... I didnt have that problem with Head First Python and was able to read the whole book easily. Anyone needing an intro to Python should consider this book. 

Download links :  4shared
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Minggu, 06 April 2014

Kanji de Manga Volume 1 volume 2

 Kanji de Manga volum 1

The comic book that teaches you how to read and write Japanese! This brand-new series from Manga University uses original comic artwork to teach readers how to identify and write the most common Japanese kanji ideographs. Volume 1 introduces 80 basic kanji that all Japanese schoolchildren are required to learn before entering the third grade. Subsequent volumes in the series will focus on more difficult kanji and kanji compounds. Each page features its own comic strip, kanji pronunciation guide, stroke order, and English explanations.

 Kanji de manga volum 2

 The second volume in an exciting new series from Manga University - using original comic artwork to teach readers how to identify and write the most common Japanese kanji ideographs - introduces 80 kanji that all Japanese school children are required to learn by the time they graduate from sixth grade. Each page features its own comic strip, kanji pronunciation guide, stroke order, and English explanations.

Download links:
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Sabtu, 05 April 2014

Tambahkan Cinta Dan Kurangi Benci

tambahkancinta Cinta adalah emosi positif yang dimiliki manusia terhadap objek lain, berupa pengorbanan diri, empati, perhatian, memberikan kasih sayang, membantu, menuruti perkataan, mengikuti, patuh, dan mau melakukan apapun yang diinginkan objek tersebut.

Sedangkan benci merupakan sebuah emosi negatif yang melambangkan ketidaksukaan, permusuhan, atau antipati untuk seseorang, sebuah hal, barang, atau fenomena.
Hal ini juga merupakan sebuah keinginan untuk, menghindari, menghancurkan atau menghilangkannya. Cinta dan benci merupakan perasaan yang berlawanan,kedua emosi ini ada dalam setiap orang dan kedua perasaaan ini dapat mempengaruhi diri seseorang maupun lingkungannya.

Emosi cinta akan membawa nilai positif dan emosi benci akan membawa nilai negatif bagi kehidupan. Ebook ini merupakan kumpulan motivasi, inspirasi, cerita bijak, renungan, kata-kata bijak, cerita unik yang menarik, kisah teladan, kisah sukses yang kesemuanya mengatas namakan cinta. Tambahkan cinta dan kurangi benci anda akan merasakan perbedaan yang lebi baik dalam hidup ini.

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Jumat, 04 April 2014

Cambridge Interchange intro 3rd edition

Cambridge interchange third edition intro student’s book, workbook, teacherbook, audio cds – Jack C.Richards

Cambridge interchange 3rd edition intro is the first level of cambridge interchange 3rd edition help beginner get start in learning English.Intro is the introductory level of the Interchange Third Edition series. The Intro Level Student’s Book is designed for beginning students needing a thorough, slow-paced presentation of basic functions, grammar structures, and vocabulary. Intro is based on the principle that low-level learning does not equal low-level thinking. The Student’s Book contains 16 teaching units, frequent progress checks that allow students to assess and monitor their own learning, and a self-study section. Included is a Student Audio CD that contains the conversation, pronunciation, and self-study sections from the Student’s Book.

Interchange Third Edition

is a four-level, multi-skills English series for adult and young-adult learners. Each unit includes relevant content, additional grammar practice, and more opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills.
Focusing on both accuracy and fluency, the multi-skills syllabus integrates themes, grammar, functions, vocabulary, and pronunciation. The series incorporates suggestions from teachers and students all over the world.

Useful Reviews :

I am the owner of an English conversation school in Japan. We have recently switched from the Side by Side series to the Interchange Third Edition and Passages series for all adult courses. As a teacher I have used many different texts over the years, and none have come close to the level of Interchange 3rd Edition. The student book is full of great examples of real, everyday conversation, supported by well thought out grammar explanations and reinforcement exercises. The teachers’ book gives excellent tips on presenting the target language, ways to explain the grammar, and extra reinforcement activities. Although I don’t recommend it, the teachers’ book is well enough laid out that it would be possible for a beginning teacher to teach a lesson with little to no preparation. Experienced teachers will find a wealth of extra activities that can be used to expand upon the lessons. The material is up to date and interesting, with various references to famous actors, singers, etc.
My only concern with the course is that with its many references to currently famous people, in five years it will begin to seem out of date. I sincerely hope  that the fourth edition will come out before this becomes too much of an issue. Overall this is an excellent course and I highly recommend it.

Download links :

  1. Cambridge Interchange intro 3rd edition student book : MEDIAFIRE
  2. Class CD1 : MEDIAFIRE
  3. Class CD2: MEDIAFIRE
  4. Class CD3: MEDIAFIRE
  5. Cambridge Interchange intro 3rd edition workbook : MEDIAFIRE
  6. Cambridge Interchange intro 3rd edition teacher book: MEDIAFIRE
  7. Sumary: MEDIAFIRE
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Kamis, 03 April 2014

Download Ebook Uang Panas Gratis

Ebook ini berisini tentang dimana kita bisa menghasilkan uang memalui bisnis online dengan mudah, tentu ada sistem yang harus anda pelajari melalui ebook ini, dan jika anda berminat silahkan download ebooknya dilink bawah ini

size : 3 mb
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Rabu, 02 April 2014

Grays Anatomy

Part 1 download
Part 2 download
Part 3 download
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Selasa, 01 April 2014

Ebook Panduan Lengkap Windows 7

Ebook Panduan Windows 7 akan menjabarkan pengalaman penulis mencoba Windows 7, dalam perspektif pengguna untuk membantu mewakili Anda menjajal Windows teranyar ini.Sengaja disediakan waktu tujuh hari agar pembahasan cukup menyeluruh dan klop dengan angka keramat Windows 7 (tetapi tidak berarti penulis menyediakan waktu 98 hari saat mencoba Windows 98).

Windows 7 lahir di kala krisis keuangan yang dipicu oleh kredit macet sektor perumahan di Amerika sedang melanda dunia, yang berimbas pada penurunan tingkat daya beli konsumen. Pada industri hardware komputer,.... Selengkapnya silahkan download eBooknya di bawah ini.

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Senin, 31 Maret 2014

Untuk sebagian orang mungkin seorang Hacker dinilai sebagai kegiatan yang kriminal yang cenderung merusak, Tapi buat kebanyakan orang Seorang Hacker dengan kreatifitasnya merupakan seni yang tidak semua orang memiliki bakat tersebut.

Untuk yang belum tau apa itu Hacker dan Cara menjadi seorang Hacker mulai dari awal jangan berkecil hati, dengan Ebook ini anda yang masih belajar komputer pun akan bisa menggunakan trik-trik ilmu hacker yang ada di ebook ini step by step dan juga ada VIDEO hacker keren yang bisa langsung anda pelajari, dan KAMI JAMIN anda akan cepat bisa menjadi seorang hacker, tentu juga harus di barengi dengan rasa ingin mencoba.

Ilmu Hack apa yang ada di dalam Ebook ini??
  • Video Hack Account Facebook 2013 100% work (bisa langsung praktek)
  • Penggunaan Advance IP Scanning
  • Proses Scanning Port
  • Seni Internet Hacking Recoded
  • Seni Metasploit yang handal
  • Mengintip akun Facebook, twitter, email orang lain
  • Video Keren cara serang balik pengguna NetCut
  • Video Cara Mencari celah website
  • Video Cara DDOS Website
  • Dan masih banyak lagi trik Hacker yang akan di berikan
Jika anda ingin berkeinginan menjadi seorang Hacker, Ebook dan video dari kami ini sangat cocok untuk anda pelajari, kami JAMIN anda akan cepat menjadi seorang Hacker Sejati.
Jangan tunda lagi waktu anda guys, silahkan pesan sekarang juga SEBELUM YANG LAIN LEBIH JAGO DARI ANDA.

Miliki Hanya
RP. 150.000,-
Rp. 30.000,- saja

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Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

Gambar ebook Membuat Konten E learning dengan Microsoft Learning Content Development System (LCDS) 
Bahasa: Indonesia
Penulis: Mohamad Iqbal & Dani R. Taufani
Jumlah halaman: 43
Format ebook: PDF
Harga: Rp. 0,-
Perekomendasi: Admin

Microsoft menyediakan Learning Content Development System (LCDS) yang merupakan kakas gratis yang memungkinkan kita untuk menciptakan konten pembelajaran yang berkualitas tinggi, interaktif dan dapat diakses secara online.

LCDS memungkinkan setiap orang dalam komunitas atau organisasi tertentu untuk dapat menerbitkan e-learning secara mudah dengan konten yang dapat disesuaikan, interaktif activity, kuis, games, ujian, animasi, demo, dan multimedia lainnya.

Dengan menggunakan LCDS, kita dapat:
1. Mengembangkan dan mempublish konten dengan cepat, tepat waktu dan relevan.
2. Memberikan konten Web yang sesuai dengan SCORM 1.2 dan dapat di-host dalam sebuah learning management system.
3. Upload atau publish konten yang ada. (LCDS mendukung beberapa format file).
4. Kita dapat membuat rich e-learning content yang berbasiskan Silverlight secara mudah.
5. Mengembangkan struktur pelatihan dan dengan mudah mengatur ulang setiap saat.

Ebook sederhana ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dalam mempelajari, memahami dan mengoperasikan aplikasi LCDS Author secara mudah dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pembelajaran. Melalui ebook ini juga penulis berusaha memberikan materi selengkap mungkin, namun tetap mudah untuk diaplikasikan mengingat ebook ini di sertai dengan gambar gambar yang komunikatif.

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Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

Kumpulan Ebook Seni Beladiri

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Jumat, 28 Maret 2014

Digital Camera June 2009 UK

Download Link:

Click here to Download
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Kamis, 27 Maret 2014

INC India Magazine May 2011

INC India Magazine - May 2011
English | 70 Pages | True PDF | 9.66 MB


Download (FILESONIC)

Download (HOTFILE)
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Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

State Of Fear By Michael Crichton

Description : In tokyo, in los angeles, in antarctica, in the solomon islands, an intelligence agent races to put all the pieces together to prevent a global catastrophe.
Publish Year : 2004
Download :
http://www.filesbowl.com/3b3/State-of-Fear.mobi (.mobi)
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Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

PC Magazine June 2010

Download Links:
1) Hotfile
2) freakshare

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Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

Download Link:

Click here to Download
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Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014

A Short Course In Digital Photography

Download Link:

Click here to Download
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Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

ISBN-10: 1840244992
ISBN-13: 978-1840244991

Download Link:

Click here to Download
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Kamis, 20 Maret 2014

Description : The unhappy inhabitants of planet krikkit are sick of looking at the night sky above their heads so they plan to destroy it. the universe, that is. now only five individuals stand between the killer robots of krikkit and their goal of total annihilation.
Publish Year : 1982
Download :
http://www.filesbowl.com/36m/Life,-The-Universe,-And-Everything.mobi (.mobi)
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Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

Memoirs Of A Geisha By Arthur Golden

Description : A literary sensation and runaway bestseller, this brilliant debut novel tells with seamless authenticity and exquisite lyricism the true confessions of one of japans most celebrated geisha.
Publish Year : 1997
Download :
http://www.filesbowl.com/5Ga/Memoirs-Of-A-Geisha.mobi (.mobi)
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Senin, 17 Maret 2014

Teen Minutes Issue 24 2009

Download Link:

Click here to Download
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Minggu, 16 Maret 2014

Odd Thomas By Dean Koontz

Description : The dead don’t talk. i don’t know why. but they do try to communicate, with a short order cook in a small desert town serving as their reluctant confidant. meet odd thomas, the unassuming young hero of dean koontz’s dazzling new york times bestseller, a gallant sentinel at the crossroads of life and death who offers up his heart in these pages and will forever capture yours.
Publish Year : 2003
Download :
http://www.filesbowl.com/5Hd/Odd-Thomas.mobi (.mobi)
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Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014

Pitfalls and Triumphs of Information Technology Management

Pitfalls and Triumphs of Information Technology Management
Publisher: IGI Global | ISBN: 1878289616 | edition 2001 | CHM | 335 pages | 10,6 mb

With the successes of the widely acclaimed first volume Successes and Pitfalls of IT Management and second volume (Organizational Achievement and Failure in Information Technology Management) of this series comes the third volume, "Pitfalls and Triumphs of Information Technology Management." This book is a collection of real-life cases that focus on both achievements attained with the successful utilization of information technology as well as failures suffered as a result of substandard use and management of IT resources in organizations. Cases deal with issues that affect a wide variety of organizations - large and small businesses, government organizations and educational institutions.

My Links



To thank me use my links, please!

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Jumat, 14 Maret 2014

Riding Wild By Jaci Burton

Description :Mac canfield was the last man lily west expected to see again, never mind aim her gun at. but there he was, the bad boy whod broken her heart years ago still a thief, hijacking a priceless artifact and it was all she could do to push aside the memories of how it felt to have his perfectly chiseled body next to hers.
Publish Year : 2008
Download :
http://www.filesbowl.com/32m/Riding-Wild.pdf (.pdf)
http://www.filesbowl.com/32n/Riding-Wild.lit (.lit)
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Kamis, 13 Maret 2014

Business Today 09 January 2011

Download Links:
1) Hotfile
2) Depositfiles
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Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

The Appetizers Collection 150 Taste

Download Link:

Click here to Download
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Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

Revelation By Bill Napier

Description : Fred findhorn has just landed on an unstable arctic iceberg to dig through the wreckage of a 1944 russian military aircraft. his mission: to recover the frozen body of brilliant atomic scientist lev petrosian and a briefcase, containing top secret documents about the clandestine meeting to which he was headed before the crash.
Publish Year : 2008
Download : http://www.filesbowl.com/8TX/Bill-Napier-Revelation.epub (epub)

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Senin, 10 Maret 2014

India Today Travel Plus April 2011

Download Links:
1) Depositfiles

2) FileSonic
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Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

Download Link:

Click here to Download
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Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014

Sphere By Michael Crichton

Description : In the middle of the south pacific, a thousand feet below the surface of the water, a huge vessel is discovered resting on the ocean floor. it is a spaceship of phenomenal dimensions, apparently undamaged by its fall from the sky. and, most startling, it appears to be at least three hundred years old.
Publish Year : 1987
Download :
http://www.filesbowl.com/3b1/Sphere.mobi (.mobi)
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Jumat, 07 Maret 2014

South Scope Magazine April 2011

South Scope Magazine - April 2011
English | 80 Pages | True PDF | 62.81 MB


Download (FILESONIC)

Download (HOTFILE)
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Kamis, 06 Maret 2014

Description : Princeton. good friday, 1999. on the eve of graduation, two friends are a hairsbreadth from solving the mysteries of the hypnerotomachia poliphili, a renaissance text that has baffled scholars for centuries. famous for its hypnotic power over those who study it, the five hundred year old hypnerotomachia may finally reveal its secrets to tom sullivan, whose father was obsessed with the book, and paul harris, whose future depends on it.
Publish Year : 2004
Download :
http://www.filesbowl.com/5IZ/The-Rule-Of-Four.mobi (.mobi)
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Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

Good Homes India Magazine October 2013

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Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

ISBN-10: 047115279X
ISBN-13: 978-0471152798

Download Link:

Click here to Download
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Senin, 03 Maret 2014

Alison Balters Mastering Microsoft Office Access 2007 Development

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Alison Balters Mastering Microsoft Office Access 2007 Development
By Alison Balter
1248 pages
Publisher: Sams; 1 edition (June 10, 2007)
ISBN-10: 0672329328
ISBN-13: 978-0672329326

Product Description
Microsoft Office 2007 is a major upgrade from the last version of Office; Access will also be greatly revised. Alison Balter is the name that Access developers will trust to guide them through Access 2007s new features. She has the rare ability to take complex topics and explain them clearly, as shown by the success of her ten previous books on Access. Balter is known for providing real-world solutions to specific Access development problems. She also is known for her ability to back up her practical examples with just enough underlying theory to give the reader a good overall understanding of Access. In short, this book will provide beginning and intermediate Access developers with everything that they need to know to design and build Access 2007 applications. It should also appeal to DBAs and power users who want or need to get started building custom Access apps. This latest book in her Mastering Access series will not disappoint her many fans who anxiously await each new version, and should win her new fans as well.

Download Alison Balters Mastering Microsoft Office Access 2007 Development
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Minggu, 02 Maret 2014

Computer Active 29 April 12 May2010

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Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014

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Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

Photoshop CS4 Digital Classroom with DVD

Photoshop CS4 Digital Classroom with DVD
Wiley | 2008 | ISBN: 0470410906 | 384 pages | PDF + DVD | 1.05 GB | RS & HF

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Digital Classroom is like having a personal instructor guiding readers through each lesson, while they work at their own pace. This book includes 13 self-paced lessons that let readers discover essential skills and explore new features and capabilities of Adobe Photoshop. Every lesson is presented in full color with step-by-step instructions. Learning is reinforced with video tutorials and lesson files on a companion DVD that were developed by the same team of Adobe Certified Instructors and Flash experts who have created many of the official training titles for Adobe Systems. Each video tutorial is approximately five minutes long and demonstrates and explains the concepts and features covered in the lesson. Coverage includes information on Adobe Bridge, Camera RAW, masks and layers, painting and retouching, and selections and layers. Jam-packed with information, this book and DVD takes users from the basics through intermediate level topics and helps readers find the information they need in a clear, approachable manner.

Bonus DVD with Tutorials, Project Files, etc. included!






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Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

Money Today September 2010

Download Links:
1) Hotfile
2) Unibytes
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Senin, 24 Februari 2014

India Today Travel Plus September 2010

Download Links:
1) Hotfile
2) Depositfiles
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Minggu, 23 Februari 2014

The Funhouse By Dean Koontz

Description :Once there was a girl who ran away and joined a traveling carnival. she married a man she grew to hate and gave birth to a child so monstrous that she killed it with her own hands. twenty five years later, she has a new life and two normal children. but her past still haunts her and now the carnival is coming back to town.
Publish Year : 1981
Download :
http://www.filesbowl.com/5HV/The-Funhouse.mobi (.mobi)
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Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014

Global Positioning System GPS for Dummies

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